Big Brother 26: Episode 4 — Angela’s power trip

Contestants in Big Brother (BB) aren’t privy to outside goings-on. They don’t have internet access or cable; only the Head of Household (HOH) is granted TV privileges — and that’s muted feeds of some areas of the house.

Ergo, BB 26 houseguests have no idea Biden dropped out or Trump was shot — and they won’t be told, either, unless something “big” happens.

The show will conclude on 13 October, giving houseguests about a month before the election to catch up on politics.

They live in a bubble, basically.

Anyway, let’s get into this episode. 💀

Content/trigger warning: This post addresses sexual harassment, and emotional and verbal abuse.

Angela’s initial target

Kenney was Angela’s initial target. She cried about her nominations — has any initial HOH ever cried like that?

BB is not personal. Everyone is vying for the prize — $750k this season — and knows someone will go home the first week they’re there. (They’re also paid $1000 per week they stay in the house, so they don’t technically go home with nothing.)


Angela’s validation-seeking behavior grossed me out. She’s a grandmother in a house full of people she wanted to be a mother figure to, playing a game that literally goes like this.

That’s like getting crying during Monopoly because you were sent to jail on your first Chance card. It sucks, but it’s a game.

She got upset because Matt didn’t hug her or make eye contact, saying she’d hoped he’d have shown gratitude for not putting him up. She also mocked his eyes.

As a neurodivergent person, I’m appalled a literal mother and grandmother would behave this way on national television. I already know parents and caregivers treat neurodivergent people this way in the privacy of their own homes, but national TV is another thing. 🥴

No one is obligated to give you attention, and you are not entitled to someone’s attention regardless of what you’ve done for them.

Angela’s workplace can choose to think she’s “playing the game” and claim she’s “sweet in real life”. When you put almost 20 people in a house together to compete for over half a million dollars, their true colors are going to present eventually — if not in the episode, then in the live feeds.

Last year, Jared Fields seemed one way and ended up being another way. His true persona didn’t entirely make it to the episodes — probably had to do with his contract since his mom was also in the game — but people saw it in the feeds. ✨


Angela developed a personal grudge against Matt, which I honestly don’t understand. Even with feeds access (I’m not actively watching, but I have access, OK), I didn’t like her behavior towards him.

She behaves very much as if she’s back in high school trying to get the attention of the popular football quarterback who’s too busy chasing after a scholarship and barely knows she exists.

She likes bragging about being a (grand)mother. 🥴

Power trip

Angela’s the first HOH of the season. In her Diary Room (DR), she claimed to want to be the first…and I wonder if she’s aware that the first HOH is usually evicted first as well. There’s no way to not get “blood” on your hands.

Still, she’s desperate to get her power “back”, which humored me because…woman, this is BB. You’re HOH for one week. 💀 What power?!


What is BB and BB strategy without the alliances?

The Throwmance

Makensy is being called “MJ” and is suspected to have a showmance with Matt. 🤷‍♀️ She doesn’t seem interested.

MJ, Matt and Leah have an alliance called “The Throwmance”. It works well, because Leah likes fluffy dudes, not beefy ones like Matt, so there is zero envy for M&M’s possible showmance.

MJ told them both she had an upgrade. 🤔

The Collective

Cam, Cedric, Chelsie, Joseph, Kimo, Quinn and T’Kor formed an alliance they called “The Collective”. It’s giving Gen Z.

They wanted to include Angela.

Nameless alliances

  • Cam’s also in an alliance with Matt and Tucker.
  • Quinn decided his Final Two is with Angela.

Back to Angela

Angela standing in the BB HOH room watching MJ and Leah via a camera feed (no sound) on her HOH TV

Angela watched the cams on her HOH TV, deducing that MJ and Leah are “one”, i.e. one and the same. She wondered if Brooklyn was working with MJ.

That behavior gave helicopter mom/paranoid narcissistic vibes.

While everyone else was at the kitchen bar eating, Angela watched them from her room — on mute — obsessing over Matt, thinking “this kid” was “starting a war” and coming at her…while calling him “Crazy Eyes”.

Again, I got the impression that she’s reliving high school via BB — the kind she wished she had and never got. It’s not uncommon for people who were bullied as kids to grow into adults who bully others, especially if their insecurities are unchecked.

Angela sounds like she has a lot of unaddressed insecurities. In her DR, she revealed that she didn’t fully trust anyone in the house because of “Matt and all his soldiers”.

Her fakeness falls so quickly, so I can’t determine when she’s being real vs. when she’s not.

She seems to love public attention, specifically in regard to being on reality television. She knows how to plead her case and put up this front the cameras will like.

Based on what I’ve observed from her time on BB, her ego is so fragile that she cries over everything — then the tears stop immediately if someone’s not catering to her. She’ll go off to privately have a fit about it, or rant about it to people who enable her. My aunt behaved this way; it’s exhausting.

Obsessing over Matt

Again with the vying for power.

Ma’am, you’re the HOH. This is BB. Get over yourself. These are your colleagues and competition — not your kids.

The first HOH always gets on a power trip and lets it go to their head.

She’s exhibiting traits of a narcissistic mother, where she

  • doesn’t trust anyone
  • thinks everyone is against her and
  • is keen to “take back control of everything”.

She holds a grudge against Matt, because he said he’d put her on the block if she nominated him, and she wants to expose him.

Again, this is BIG BROTHER. EVERYONE wants to put you on the block — if not now, then eventually. 🙄

Should Matt have said that? Probably not — but he said it, and it was obvious anyways…because it’s Big Brother.

Angela calls Matt names, mocks him, and has flat-out harassed him since about the first day.

I’m not your “typical female BB fan”. I’m not straight. I know Matt looks like a Filipino Ken doll, though I don’t think he’s super attractive or anything. I’m a lesbian; I’m capable of recognizing attractive or visually-pleasing men.

I felt no attachment to Matt until he

  1. Spoke up about how he felt about Angela’s harassment in his DR
  2. Shared that he wanted to show that there’s more to his looks

If the genders were switched, everyone would take issue with a man calling out a woman half his age for how she looked. They’d call it sexual harassment and demand he be removed from the house immediately to keep the other women safe.

Then, Chelsie had a DR mocking him for sharing his discomfort — “Woe is me, I’m so hot…”

As a woman, I understand what it’s like to be hit on by men who know nothing more about me than my looks. My beauty is up to their perception and something they desire, so they feel entitled to comment about it.

Angela’s behavior was inappropriate. Her obsessing over him is even more inappropriate; however, society gives her a pass because she’s a woman and he’s a man — and the assumption is that women can’t harass men…but they can. 💁‍♀️

Angela’s verbal abuse

Angela walked down the stairs slow clapping. Other HouseGuests joined in, thinking it was going to be a party.

She seemed to ADORE that attention.

Then she attacked Matt. Literally, the first word out of her mouth was, “MATT!”

“MATT! Matt. Matt. You must be so proud of yourself. I mean, really, taking advantage of a woman twice your age who is sleep deprived…”

Y’ALL. SHE STAYED UP ALL NIGHT REHEARSING THIS SPEECH. AND OBSESSING OVER THE FEEDS. She has the comfiest bed in the house and chose not to sleep.

“…and had a responsibility beyond matter.”

…is she talking about nominations? 🥴

“You were able to singlehandedly turn this freakin’ house upside down against this person [herself], and I am so flattered that I am a THREAT to you. I AM SO FREAKIN’ FLATTERED.”


“Do you know how much that makes me look like a BADASS to my grandkids?”

…does it, though? Or are they on a break thanks to this show? Are your children embarrassed by your behavior on national television or relieved that the world is finally seeing the version of you that previously only existed in the sweet comforts of your home?

“It’s AWESOME, Matt. THANK YOU. CRAZY EYES. You have freakin’ CRAZY EYES.”

This gives serious narcissistic vibes — the overt displays of thanks, regardless of sarcasm, and the big show of everything.

Her obsession is clear as day, and she’s projecting her paranoia.

“AND FOR THE HOUSE. For this beautiful, wonderful group of people. And for the visitors that came to visit me last night: Your performance was great. Great. Absolutely great…for a LOW-BUDGET MOVIE.”

She’s referring to Joseph and Quinn coming up to her room to invite her to join The Collective, telling her they want her in their alliance.

She basically outed them without outing them and destroyed whatever alliance they could have.

This kind of behavior is precisely how children are treated by narcissistic mothers. While there is a “golden child”, that child can easily become a target of abuse by their narcissistic mother; the golden child can also be the scapegoat.

Narcissists will embarrass their victims in front of other people to control the narrative, while wanting any discussion with the victim to be held in private to continue controlling the narrative. This is how they feel powerful and “in control”.

Despite the lack of relation, Angela went into this house presuming the house mother role, therefore imposing upon her new surrogate children the roles narcissists give their children (whether she/they realized it or not).

“I have not been myself. I haven’t thought clearly. I haven’t been able to remember people’s names, I haven’t even been able to remember the last conversation I had. I’m not even able to remember sentences and the sentences that are being said right in front of my face.”

…and yet she can remember what she stayed up all night rehearsing? No wonder people suspect she’s a producer’s plant.

“I can’t remember SHIT because I am SO sleep-deprived. But that’s — that’s — that’s — that’s it! I blame myself. I blame myself.”

When a narcissistic mother blames herself, it’s never genuine; the goal is to inspire guilt within her children so they will take the blame and lift her up (narcissistic supply).

“I love ALL of you. I really, truly, truly do. And I was having the best time of my life up until after everyone left my room after I won HOH.”

Love-bombing really helps solidify those guilty feelings within a narcissist’s children.

“BUT with that being said, I would love for the HouseGuests to know how CRAZY EYES — how he very aggressively — aggressively, MATT — threatened me verbally in my room, in our one-on-one. This man, right here, that you guys all know and love — this COCKY, CRAZY-EYED BOY, who says he’s got everyone in his back pocket. OH, YEAH. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!”

Making it personal

These kinds of attacks, they always have a pattern:

  1. Attack target person (victim)
  2. Counter attack (another victim, in their “circle”)
  3. Blame self
  4. Love-bomb
  5. Remind everyone who the villain is (attack target again) by destroying their reputation

Their goal is to draw attention to their victim and discredit them. Attacking one of their own causes that person to apologize profusely, who will then get sucked into the narcissist’s self-deprecation and love bombing. This gives them that supply.

So, you see, it’s strategy — but it’s not BB game strategy. It’s personal vendetta strategy. I really hope it wasn’t scripted — that’d be nasty of CBS to purposely expose the other HouseGuests to abuse, and for Angela to go through with it knowing it was abusive.

Angela also went after MJ for a showmance with Matt.

“I literally have had a traumatic experience from him, and I think MJ could do better.”

This is another strategic move narcissists engage in to knock people down a peg or two — anything to keep themselves feeling up higher, because they crave that “power”.

And to clarify, I’m referring to narcissistic personality traits — not diagnosing a personality disorder. I hate having to clarify, but I image I’ll get flack if I don’t disclaim that kind of ish in here…not everyone knows how to extrapolate.


Angela claimed to want to maintain relationships with everyone else but Matt, because she’s a “people-pleaser to a fault”, which is classic covert narcissistic behavior.

People pleasers are typically fake and manipulative, so Angela just outed herself as a flake who will say and do anything if it means staying on someone’s good side.

I hope the house picks up what she’s put down.


In her DR, Leah said Angela turned from “sweet mommy” to “Mother Dearest”, and she’s scared.

Angela offered to hear Matt out in her room and shut him down when he tried responding in front of everyone.

Again, this is a classic move narcissists engage in, because it allows them the opportunity to control the narrative and therefore manipulate people’s opinions of the situation.

Unfortunately, the more Matt pressed, the more he fed into the narrative Angela presented to the house. 💁‍♀️ Because she regained her power by essentially turning everyone against him, or putting them into shock.

Angela went on to say,

“I am a mother to a fault. When I see this man walk in and how good-looking he is — but I don’t think that anymore. You can’t be pretty on the outside when you are ugly at the end.”

This is so, so, so much projecting — but it also emphasizes yet again her role, this expectation that she is to be perceived as superior because she’s a mother and twice his age. Once again, she unnecessarily referenced his looks.

Her behavior was really, wholeheartedly, uncalled for. MJ agreed in her DR:

“She’s a mother degrading his looks, degrading his character. You can play a game, but still be a kind human being. Not a good look.”

The entire ordeal shocked the house. Matt said his mom would be watching the show. Angela hoped she would, so she would learn her son is a “straight up disrespectful brat”.

Angela reiterated that MJ could do wayyy better (again, narcissistic behavior).

Joseph doesn’t want to work with Angela as an ally if this is how she’ll behave.

Chelsie comforted MJ, who considers Angela’s behavior as a testament to her character. Angela presented herself as a mom to the younger folks and came across as mean. MJ isn’t even dating him.

Angela possibly alienated the entire house based on this incident. Someone made a joke — Joseph, perhaps? IDK their voices yet — that this event would be in the episode. 🥴

In the bathroom, Brooklyn hugged Matt when he walked in.

“I miss my mom.” ~Matt

He hated that his mom would see Angela going at him. Brooklyn acknowledged that Angela made the game personal, when it’s not. Brooklyn’s also a mom.

“Don’t let someone take you out of your character.” ~Brooklyn Rivera

Matt worried about his mom seeing what happened and thinking differently of him.

“No. Your mom knows you. She knows who you are.” ~Kenney

Even Kenney thinks Angela overreacted in the kitchen. Using Matt’s mom as a prop in her play was a horrible move.

Veto competition

Angela didn’t want Matt to play in the Veto comp and secure his safety; she wanted to backdoor him. Again, obsessing over someone she calls a kid. WHO’s the adult here? TF.

Picking players

Joseph, Brooklyn, Angela, Kenney, Kimo and Lisa compete.

Lisa had an opportunity to choose Matt, but chose to stay away from that drama. Understandable. 💁‍♀️

Angela is so over-the-top and fake about her enthusiasm, really rubbing Matt’s nose in the shit because she’s so against him.

BB AI Spelling Bee

Veto comp players had to find letter tiles and correctly spell the longest word within a specific timeframe. There were special hexagonal tiles that allowed players to remove letters from the game, adding complexity.

Lisa won and took herself off.

Replacement nominee

Angela put Matt up, claiming she was following her heart. 🙄

My thoughts


Angela seems like the kind of person who would — herself and her posse — blow up my blog because I dared publish this post painting her in a “bad” light when I’m literally giving a commentary on a Big Brother episode. You’re on reality TV, after all. 💅

As a neurodivergent person who grew up the only autistic person in the house, I know what neurotypical/non-autistic people think of people like me. I know they don’t understand certain aspects of neurodivergence.

The last place I ever thought I’d see that unscripted — again, I hope it’s not scripted, because that’s even worse — is national TV, let alone CBS.

A lot of people are talking about how criticizing his eyes is racist…I’m not addressing that.

When I saw her take off her glasses to mock his eye movements, I felt that warmth that floods my body when I realize I made a seemingly grave mistake or forgot something extremely important.

It’s an immense feeling of discomfort that leaves me feeling nauseous. I’ve experienced that kind of bullying over something I didn’t even know I did, because of neurodivergent traits.

I perceived Angela’s behavior as ableist.

This episode sat with me for days.

When I watch, I make a list of notes to turn into a real post later. I felt excited up to this episode, to post about Big Brother on my blog.

The only reality TV I watch is Big Brother. I don’t enjoy seeing people abuse each other as “entertainment”. In anything else, there would be a trigger/content warning for viewers with PTSD.

This episode felt icky. The voting ceremony in the next episode felt icky, too. Angela went off on Joseph for not letting her win the Veto comp.

I chose to walk away from someone like her in my life because I didn’t want this behavior in my life. I’m unlikely to continue covering BB this season. 🤷‍♀️

This post was written 30th July, 2024 and backdated to the 24th for the sake of blog post order.

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