A Day in the Life is a linkup in which bloggers share about their day-to-day lives.
For this month’s edition, I focused prompts on your schedule/what you do.
While I’ve your attention: if you have ideas for future monthly prompts, feel free to email me with them! I try to think up at least six (it’s harder than it looks). I’ll link back to you and all that jazz, I’m just struggling to come up with some questions each month.
Today, I awoke at:
The first thing I ate today was:
Popcorn. I needed a midnight snack, as usual.
Today, I really wanted:
To get up earlier, but I had reintroduce antihistamines to my body, so they make that a bit impossible in the beginning.
For lunch, I had:
Nothing yet 😅 I will probably make a baked potato or just heat up my last Lean Cuisine pizza…Oh! But I just remembered I have a different Lean Cuisine meal, sooo…😏
Something I did today was:
Something I needed to do today, but didn’t do was:
Vacuum my room. 😤
Today, I wore:
Short white shorts with a bird on the bottom-left of the front left leg, a black camisole and my grey Bitly shirt. It’s laundry day, hot and all I’ve to wear that I wanna wear. 💁