Big Brother 26: Episode 3 — First HoH

Fuck the recaps. I want to give commentary about Big Brother 26 from the perspective of an autistic adult, not recap what happens. 💁‍♀️

This is either going to pique your interest, feel extremely relatable or be the most annoying blog post you read.

I’m writing this post as I watch the episode via Paramount (free), at 1am, on my last night watching my nieces at my cousin’s house. I semi-deep cleaned the kitchen, have done a load of dishes and might do another, am laundering my clothes, and really want to chill.

I’ve had a long week and a half, and Big Brother (BB) is a way for me to unwind, watch imperfect allistics act like they’re hot shit as they pretend to be kind to each other…and probably another reason that I simply can’t think of right now.


There are three supposed chefs in the house, which is interesting because being the cook of the house gets you to BB Jury, at least (usually).

There are two Filipino houseguests; they looked so excited to sea each other.

I like Rubina’s personality so far.

T’kor’s accent is from London, the south side of Chicago and Georgia, which makes for an interesting combination.

Kenney of course introduced himself as a food truck business owner, calling himself the “Sweet K.K” — honestly, this feels icky. 🤔

It’s fine, ’cause Cedric’s not sharing his career, either.

Matt seemed interested in Makensy when she revealed that she’s a construction project manager, so looks like they’re meant to be. Hetero relationships go like that, right?


Cam, Kimo, Quinn and Tucker volunteered to be the first four Have-Nots of the season. They take cold showers, sleep on hard surfaces as beds, and eat “slop”.


Ah…the heart of BB strategy.

Kenney is targeting the young, sensitive people. I know he wants to be a dad figure to the younger houseguests to secure his spot, but this can really go the wrong way because it is predatory. 👀

Brooklyn, Rubina, Chelsie, and Makensy are chatting about what women to bring into their “strong women” alliance. Chelsie’s playing the field, taking advantage of alliances.

They consider inviting Angela, but find her too overzealous and the type who would blurt something out. 🤔 Honestly, I don’t know if she’s trustworthy because she’s a real estate agent. 💁‍♀️


Angela stereotyped Matt for being extremely handsome and having a secure spot as a showmance, and I think she needs to stop. I think her comments are inappropriate, regardless of this being BB. Definitely putting a target on her back.

Matt wants to work with Kenney. Angela butts in to conversations and seems like the type of mom who hovers. Playing such a big game too fast is dangerous.

Lisa brought edible glitter for food, and…um…👀 She’s putting it on everyone.

Cam and Matt talked about the biggest threat. Cam thinks the chef is the biggest threat, and yeah…I think he’s right — sort of. One of the biggest threats.

Determining “the biggest threat” before they’ve even competed is futile, though. Putting edible glitter on everyone is annoying — that’s it. Annoying players are usually evicted by a unanimous house vote.

Game upgrade

The houseguests who competed for a game upgrade have to place their AI chip into the computer to determine whether they receive an upgrade.

This is a bit…I know they’re trying to make it fun and reinforce the BB AI theme, but ehh.

Makensy got America’s Veto, which allows her to use her Veto within four weeks. This means she can use it on whoever she wants; however, America will vote on the person who replaces the vetoed houseguest instead of the Head of Household (HoH).

Quinn’s upgrade is the Deepfake HoH. He can strip the HoH of all their power and secretly control all their nominations. Kinsle will create a deepfake avatar in the likeness of the real HoH who will communicate via her proto box.

I…actually like this upgrade?? He can also stir up chaos by spreading misinformation and rumors, and no one will know it’s him. He also has four weeks to use his power. 💁‍♀️


Leah’s disappointed that all the male houseguests are fit, buff or simply not fluffy. 🧐

I don’t know why houseguests are so keen to use BB as a dating pool?? I could never trust that anyone I met in the game was legitimately interested in me. Some couples have lasted outside the show, but they’re more rare than common.

Additional twist

Ainsle announced that there will be THREE nominees for the block on eviction night, rather than two.

HoH competition: New Rule

In each round, Ainsle creates a new rule completely different than the one before it. The last one standing is the first HoH of the summer and safe for the week; they’ll be responsible for nominating three houseguests for the block.

The houseguests choose teams of three.


  • Angela, Joseph, T’kor
  • Brooklyn, Kimo, Rubina
  • Cam, Leah, Lisa
  • Matt, Kenney, Quinn

Makensy and Tucker were the only ones leftover and thus eliminated from the game. The houseguests went for whoever stood next to them, not who they wanted to work with, so I think this game is more akin to musical chairs — and I loathe that game.

Next, each player had to take a shot with a desk to get points from bars. The points determine the winning group, who gets to eliminate a team from the game.

The discs seem to fall off pretty easily.

I’ve never rolled a disc for $750,000. Have you?

~ Brooklyn

The mascots are basically cheerleaders during these competitions. 🤣

Cedric and Chelsie dressed up in giant square-shaped costumes that say "BB A.I."; Ainsle's proto box is in the middle

Kenney, Matt and Quinn chose to eliminate Brooklyn, Kimo and Rubina because they had the second highest score. 👀

Next, each player had to compete against their teammates; the losing teammates are eliminated from the game.

I know this is supposed to be the BB AI creating it, but the lore doesn’t check out — no way these rules are “entirely random”. 🙄

Angela, Leah and Kenney advanced to the final found for HoH. Houseguests this year are odd to me; they all WANT to be the first HoH — ummm. I KNOW they’re had to watch the previous seasons…how do they NOT know that this puts a huge target on their backs?!

…or do they KNOW and simply not care? 🧐

Angela wins. 👀

I think her behavior thus far and stereotyping attitude set her up as a target even before winning HoH. Now that she’s got HoH, she seems the type to let that go to her head.

This isn’t atypical for the first HoHs of the season; they do tend to assert themselves more openly without shame…and that’s what puts a target on their back. Playing your game too hard too fast early on in the game gives people icky feelings. They don’t like that kind of eagerness.

Angela also doesn’t want to be perceived as the “Mama” of the house, but…embracing that is how you win. You have to accept your role as this. 🥴


Kenney feeling nervous is eh. If you didn’t do anything wrong, why are you worried?

However, he also seems a strong competitor and that does put a target on his back.

She seems to have an alliance with Cedric, Chelsie, Joseph and T’kor? Unless I’m wrong about Joseph. 🤔

Matt telling Chelsie and Joseph he feels creeped out by Angela’s comments is good, but Chelsie being like, “Woe is me, I’m so hot,” and gaslighting her is sketch. He had genuine concerns that, you know, I agree with. Her behavior was ridiculous, and she’s a freaking grandmother!

Angela not understanding is even worse. 🥴 But, of course, now he’s a target. 🙄

Quinn shared his power

Quinn told Angela about his power, and I am flabbergasted that he’d share it with her because he doesn’t know anything about her at all.

😒 Disappointed I am.

First three nominees

Angela chatted with people to gain a feel for who gives other houseguests the ick to avoid getting blood on her hands as the first HoH.

Cam and Leah find Lisa untrustworthy, as do other houseguests. 🧐 Perhaps it’s because people don’t like glitter that much, even when it’s edible?

She also told Matt that she wasn’t going to put him up. She apologized and that was cool of her…🤔 But then Matt went on to say that he could campaign to get himself off, and 🤦‍♀️ SIR. DO NOT SHARE YOUR STRATEGY.

My thoughts on this episode 🥴

😒 I’m unamused. These houseguests don’t play the BB game like they’re on BB — they’re playing BB like they’re watching other people play BB. 🙄

And then they’ll come out, at any point, and blame it on “the house”. “It’s the house.” and “Something about the house.”

If Angela wants to avoid being next week’s target, she will need to swallow her pride and accept that gunning for someone is a surefire way to trigger defensiveness.

Matt shouldn’t have “gotten cocky”, but then we don’t know the entire context — especially with feeds not allowing rewinds!

I’d rather lose Angela than Matt presently. Matt hasn’t had much of a chance, especially with Angela’s comments. Chelsie is two-faced and essentially left her faith at the door to the BB house. 🙄

Houseguests before BB

In BB, zeroing in on houseguests’ personal lives isn’t considered appropriate, but I find it lets us know more of who they are in character.

Chelsie said she worked for a nonprofit, and people have linked her to being a “Zionist”, supporting Israel.

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