You ever want something so bad, but then you get it and there are all these problems that make you have to completely change everything?
I did it for me, is what I’ll say. I didn’t want to. I wanted to forge my path as ✨that adult✨, but you know what? I’m still me.
It doesn’t matter where my blog is, how it is, what it is — so long as it has me, it will have all it needs.
I registered because I needed something to link on social media regardless of blockage. Facebook isn’t relenting. They don’t care.
My mission with…all of this — if only I could wave my hands in a gesture through the screen — is …
2.80 billion people use Facebook on a monthly basis.
It’s one thing to decide against making a Facebook account.
That has nothing to do with this.
It’s another to have a blog, have people who read it, and then them not be able to share it on Facebook.
Autistic people, LGBTQIA+ people — social media platforms commonly block our accounts, often because non-autistic and/or heteronormative people don’t like something we say.
I’ve a list of values as a blogger, a big gay autistic agenda quest if you will, and I can’t exactly do that if my blog can’t be shared.
My preferred name, Jane E. Darling, has my middle initial because middle initials make people seem smarter?? But it’s more because there’s a Czech pornstar named Jane Darling.
I didn’t know that when I finalized my choice.
There are lots of other people named Jane Darling. People often share names. And then if I get married and change my mind to the point that my surname changes? Fine. I’d personally love a portmanteau like PenaVega, because loveeeee that?? but whatever.
I don’t want to make things harder on myself.
So, yeah…I did this for me.
It’s so, so me.
- short url
- hej = Swedish → top fave childhood band = Swedish pop group Play
- dot-gay = well…i’m gay? it’s for the LGBTQ+ community.
I wanted to be able to edit my #linkinbio page from my WordPress dashboard.
And I made an imperfect logo that I actually like.
A list of the shit I had to change
- emails. again.
- redirects. again.
- information in various accounts
ughhhh. It’s like planning a room in your apartment, and then you go looking for that ONE thing to help pull it all together and it turns out it’s not going to work out because of the fact that apartment complexes paint over everything.
I made lots of graphics for Jane Lately & those are just gonna run out. It’ll happen eventually.
but it’s fine. everything is fine.
I did it for me, and I’ll never them think otherwise.
‘Cause I’m a petty gay.
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