Evidence of the Affair // letters about love letters

The first Amazon Originals book I decided to read: Evidence of the Affair. I loved Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Evelyn Hugo novel, so I expected to like this short story as well.

Evidence of the AffairEvidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Published by Amazon Original Stories on 20 September, 2018
Genre: Adult fiction, Fiction, Historical fiction, Romance, Short story
# pages: 80
Source: Amazon
Rating: ★★★

all my thoughts

  • I was disappointed with the slow pace early on.
  • I totally read the spoilers for this.
  • Ultimately, the story is interesting and not unlike something you’d see on early 2000s Lifetime Movie Network, when it was good. Following along with the audiobook was worth it, although I definitely could have lived without reading it. This is the type of the short story that isn’t life-changing or anything, it’s just something to fill the time when you want to watch a movie without watching it, just to have it going in the background.
  • I was a bit disappointed with David’s decision in the end, but I find Carrie empowered by her own choices. Forgiveness is powerful and definitely part of relationships, and I believe that if the spouse who ended it had been different, so too would be the ending for Carrie and David.
  • I got a kick out of the title being mentioned in the story.~ I love that kind of thing in TV shows.~

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I hadn’t thought about it before now, but you’re absolutely right that this story feels like a 2000s Lifetime drama. I used to eat those movies up when I was in high school, so it makes sense why I enjoyed this so much. It was my first Taylor Jenkins Reid book so I was dazzled by her writing at the time, but looking back I barely remember anything about the story. I’ve since read Malibu Rising which was just good trashy celebrity fun. I still need to read Evelyn Hugo and Daisy Jones, I’m undecided which I want to read first.

Glad that you’re checking out Amazon’s Originals, I really enjoy their collections, it gives me an opportunity to try out different author’s writing before committing to any of their full-length books.

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I think I have Daisy Jones in a box somewhere, and Malibu Rising was one of my BOTM books. XD I haven’t read them yet because I feel like Evelyn Hugo is going to be difficult to top, and I am high-key terrified I’m going to be disappointed in her other stories. This short story was mostly eh for me.

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Oh my gosh, I feel exactly the same way! I got Daisy Jones and Evelyn Hugo as birthday gifts a while ago and I’ve been scared to jump into Evelyn because I know it’s so many people’s favorite book. I want to read it but I also kind of want to read all of her other books first, so I can’t be as disappointed in them haha. Malibu Rising was pretty good, it features the wife and children of Mick Rivas from Evelyn, and goes into the the ugly side of celebrity marriages.

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