Today’s my blog’s birthday, but I don’t have much to say. I imagine I’ll have something worth saying on its 10th anniversary, but I can’t think of anything to say that doesn’t feel meaningless halfway through. This year is my blog’s first anniversary under, but I am keeping its original anniversary, because hello, the 9th of February has become iconic for me. 😂 If anything, I could probably get away with celebrating two anniversaries, but it’s kinda easier at the start of the year…even if February is really annoying with all the Valentine’s Day celebrations.
So, instead of doing something big, I made an acrostic poem. Short post, but not every post needs a thousand words. 😅
Jane’s the name;
Autodidact is the game.
Neither books nor movies nor TV limit me;
Evelyn Hugo is the book girlfriend I could never see.
Pizza rolls are a food I probably eat too much of,
Even though ’tis my garden for which I hold more love.
Day after day, I feel mundane doing mostly the same thing,
In that I feel bored a lot if my phone doesn’t ring, ping or ding.
Above all, though, I’m impressed: 8 years to this I’ve been committed—no more, no less.
I tried to make it rhyme, right down to the last line (inline rhyme). 😊
Comments on this post
The last line is my favourite BUT I love how you absolutely found a way to put pizza rolls in there! HAHA 🍕
Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 2/18/18 – Feed Your Fiction Addiction
[…] February 9th – Sorry that I missed Janepedia’s blogoversary—I missed this new birthday/blogoversary submission. Check out her 8th blogoversary post HERE! […]
Sorry I’m late for your blogoversary, but congrats on eight years! That’s quite impressive!! Love the fun acrostic!
Ah, it’s no worries that you missed it! 😉 And thanks! 😀 It got sillier the closer to the end (esp. the phone line)…it’s harder to make such a thing rhyme than I thought. 😅
Congrats on your blog anniversary! 8 years is a long time. I’ve beem blogging for a similar amount of time but across multiple platforms and domains.
I enjoyed your acrostic poem. All those links made me go down a rabbit hole and I kept clicking link after link, haha.
I hope for more blogging years to come!
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