Whilst this post 1) isn’t in order and 2) does not cover everything, it does sum up the cancellation of several series I once, at least somewhat, liked.
I like talking about television series, and this feels like a great way to tackle many of the series I have watched in one post.
Please note I’m excluding whatever ratings were for this; to me, if something didn’t rate well, it was because of… well, the same reason I list for it having been cancelled.
- Terra Nova was brilliant, but it came out at the wrong time. Had it instead been released circa early 2014, it would have done better.
- For Almost Human, the first mistake was Fox. The second was the poor story development’s major plot, which was not touched on consistently; if you’re going to have a plot developing on the sidelines, you need to touch up on it slightly every episode. Stitchers, for example, does a nice job of having the major, yet underlying, plot touched on every episode so it’s a part of the characters’ stories. The third was, again, the timing of the project. Audiences didn’t care for futuristic dramas until late 2013, but 2014 is where the actual party began. You can thank the unpredictable economy and the increase in media coverage for that.
- Kyle XY and Heroes, though the latter is somewhat returning as a miniature series, both got extremely weird extremely fast. Kyle XY contained watered down tropes and overly dramatic facial expressions, whereas Heroes inched away from Claire Bennett as the main objective and brought in too many new people with powers too suddenly, when they should have continued developing their original characters’ story lines. When series try to cover too many characters’ stories at one time, you wind up missing out on some, and that is how the Degrassi Black Hole happened. It’s a real thing.
- Eye Candy was exciting until the killer was revealed. The book wasn’t followed, which meant Christian Taylor made up his own thing, and when screen productions sway from novels, it doesn’t necessarily turn heads in a good way. What’s more, whilst the big reveal was twisted and alright, it ended everything the series had been talked up to be: a recently-paroled woman was out on parole and now had a stalker. Lindy may have been searching for her sister, but a conspiracy theory involving their father? Really? The series overall was poorly developed and confusing in terms of what was really going on. Ryan Cooper, though? 1) Hot. 2) I wasn’t shocked Jake was the killer. I’m looking forward to seeing how MTV’s Scream continues on into the next season, considering their killer is also dead.
- American Odyssey was confusing. To watch the series, one would have to be so dedicated they could watch episodes multiple times. This is another series that had a ton of main characters, most of which were also in every single episode. They really should have devoted each episode to two main characters for the major plot, and one or two main characters for the subplot. It works well for Degrassi and helps to avoid confusion. This way, all of your main characters receive their own major plot, which can be developed as the series’ season progresses, instead of only having about five to fifteen minutes per episode because you’ve split their stories into tiny pieces. Main characters whose lives intercept each other can still be considered such, even if they lack the star plot in a particular episode. Degrassi, Skins UK and The Originals does/did this well, to name a few.
- Stalker had the potential to be amazing, but was instead sugarcoated into oblivion. Perhaps it would have done better several years ago, when women were good little humans and did everything men told them.[1. Sarcasm.] However, the constant relying on a man to resolve everything is so old school these days. I want something with a Jane Bond saving the day. Where’s my girl power at? Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Stitchers, Reign, The Originals and iZombie radiates all of that. If you watch it, stop at “The Woods”, which I think is the third-to-the-last episode; since Stalker is on this list, it was obviously cancelled—and the remainder two episodes do absolutely nothing but give you a forever unresolved cliffhanger, something I absolutely hate (so I didn’t watch them; thanks, spoilers!).
- A to Z was cute, but it was dry and could have gone either way. I still can’t figure out why people didn’t like it… maybe because we knew, when we arrived at the twenty-sixth episode, the relationship would hit an inevitable end? Probably that. There was no surprise; it felt more like a) therapy hour or b) a study. I did enjoy the beginning, however, in regards to how often they had unknowingly passed each other.
- The wrong audience was targeted for Selfie… unless it wasn’t, then their advertising just needed help.
- The Killing, which I literally only watched for Bex Taylor-Klaus, was extremely dry and bland and boring. I tried to watch more, but couldn’t. Few shows bore me to bits, and this one was boring. It was also gruesome, but… boring takes the cake.
- Twisted was weird and poorly developed. For a father to have his son take the blame for murder is twisted in and of itself, but the series’ plots in general also needed help. It felt too rushed.
- Ravenswood was weird; Tyler Blackburn was one of the few good actors in it, but the supernatural plot was odd all on its own. Somehow, I feel Caleb and Miranda were supposed to be “meant for each other” considering the curse and the graves plot, but the entire story felt much too cheap. When there is a spin-off of a great series, I expect that spin-off to be good—not utterly horrendous. Miranda was also too whiny and the reason I quit watching it. On another, semi-related note, when Caleb returned to Rosewood, there was an eerie effect written into the episode where Hannah confronted him in the cabin, and Caleb stated he had prices to pay for leaving Ravenswood; however, that plot was never touched on… PLL Blackhole, anyone?
- Believe was a really cute television series, but the first season’s finale left little to no cliffhangers, which I feel is crucial to many series continuing. It was also really cheesy and Hallmark-y, which has the ability to roll eyes and wonder about the writing. Believe had the potential to be a baby Heroes, but lost the ability when the production continued to fail in reeling the viewer in. The writing was too wet and drama was too overdone. Johnny Sequoyah was adorable, though!
Comments on this post
I’m still bummed about Terra Nova, it’s a real shame it got cancelled. It was a really interesting show and I liked it a lot, not to mention the last episode was a real cliffhanger. :<
Also agree with you on Heroes. At first I was hooked, but already during season 1 it started getting weird…
Terra Nova may be brought back, if only because Jurassic World gained more attention than people thought. I just hope the original cast will be offered their spot back, if it does. The original cast was too perfect to abandon. 🙁 But…I don’t know. It’s probably unlikely the series will return. :/
Heroes: Reborn is OK thus far.
I feel almost like people of these shows need to, like, read and watch tons of science fiction series and movies and books, because a lot of them have retcons and/or don’t have their facts straight, and maybe that’s a reason they start to get weird?
I’ve heard a few series from your list, and I have to agree with you with the fact that some series are mostly cancelled due to how weird it has gotten and they would probably give up in trying to make it back to normal~ Kyle XY was my sister’s fave but she was kinda glad that it got discontinued tho haha~