Jane Lately v.46: A physical move + blog redesign

Like, can you just not step on my gown?

1. One of these days I’ll dye my hair blue, and I don’t give a f*ck what you think or say ’cause we are undead, anyway.

I’m redefining myself. The more I work through this horrendous nightmare that is eating disorder recovery, the more I realize on the things I’ve lost out on in life because I was compromising myself in order to meet others’ standards. And I’m just like…I don’t care?? I’m angry, but no one is to blame.

Lots of people think about tattoos when they get to this point in recovery, but the thing people most tried to control (next to my size) was my hair — namely that I should refrain from dyeing it, at all, and especially any weird color. With my luck, I’d be allergic to the tattoo ink used and need that ligament amputated — an otherwise harmless tattoo thus becoming more traumatic than my ED itself. Plus, I struggle with ambiguity.

So, my hair.

Plus my style.

And my voice.

Shit’s about to get real up in here.

2. With this comes a redesign for Janepedia, which just sort of happened on a whim.

I’d intended to approach Georgie again in a year or so, but alas…I just had this collection of thoughts, so I started sketching it. Day 2, I created index.html to visualize it more. And it just fell into itself.

It really fits with #1, and I find it quite fitting for me. A bit of it looks similar to Smoothies by Color, but I’ve tried for the longest time to develop a signature with my sites, so they don’t look too similar, but so you’d land on it and realize, Oh, Jane did this! so it works out in that respect, the similarities.

I’m also real keen for a theme that complements the stuff I share on my blog these days, and not how I want it to look in theory. I want something that allows for visual representation of posts, at the same time being fant-abulous-tic for mostly text-based posts. Versatile, if you will.

3. I’m moving in with Charlise & Fam.

Last year, she offered up the idea of me living with them as a live-in nanny, and it’s only developed further since then. Now, I’ll be a live-in nanny, but I’ll also be taking over her laundry clients. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t want to talk about it before it was going to happen, in the event that it didn’t happen at all. I used to not do this, but 🤷‍♀️ people change. I keep things on the down-low until they come to fruition these days.

Bookshelve holding various paraphernalia, including blankets and two clear containers

Blogging has been scarce, and it will continue to be until life is less chaotic. Not too long after moving comes Nourished Fest (previously the GFAF Expo), so I will be busy with that ish and Smoothies by Color (putting on final touches).

Moving also means that my life will change again, which means brand new stories added to my experience. I’ll also have more freedom to be myself, so all this change is quite timely. I’ll finally be getting into making dollhouses and miniatures, so that’ll be fun. So far, I’ve just made a few accessories and brainstormed a dollhouse made entirely from up/recycled items.

Packing-wise, I don’t want to just box up all my shit and bring my clutter with me, so I’ll actually be tackling that decluttering/organizing.~

Further, I’ve no idea what my life will look like after moving yet, because there is even a community pool and I intend to go swimming with Solara. 😅 I’ve been looking at bicycles, as well. I hope to rid myself of agoraphobia one of these days.

4. In the meantime, I am…

  • developing smoothie recipes
  • making self-care a priority
  • nourishing my body
  • trying to cut screen time before sleep by reading instead

Until next time!

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sounds like a plan!! your new blog design sounds really neat too, I hope it turns out how you want it to. ❤️

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Oh I can’t wait to see the new blog design whenever you decide to do it! You always have such clean and beautiful design ideas. That’s also exciting that you’ll be a live-in nanny, good luck! I seriously need to cut screen time and read more, still unwinding from school.

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