March 2016 in a nutshell

The ‘currently’ thing got old fast. Quite frankly, I’m kinda too lazy/busy to list it all out like that, I feel. Besides, these are supposed to be nutshell posts, not several-hundred-word posts. I’m going to Austin with Charlise this weekend, from Saturday to Sunday, for the Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest. I was supposed to go last year, but allergies are so peachy I didn’t feel going would be beneficial to anyone. People already think I’m really sick when I cough—because I couldn’t possibly be coughing due to a really cold drink, semi-choking (I do this so much it’s an inside joke between Kim and I), and/or just because of…well…allergies.

And I do this thing to where I pack last minute…because it’s how I roll. I’ve tried packing ahead of time in the past, but…I do better under pressure for certain things and am too much of a perfectionist to pack ahead and be like, “Okay, cool. I’ve got everything.” I’d keep checking the bag and/or actually wind up forgetting something. It bugs the crap out of so many people who have to pack ahead, but it’s what works for me.

This month, I…

  • read 3 books:
    • Switched by Amanda Hocking [almost finished; abandoning series after, though]
    • The 100 by Kass Morgan
    • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  • began reading 2 others.
  • turned 25.
  • failed to do a link love post. I don’t think I want to do them anymore.
  • listened mostly to a select few of songs.
  • worked puzzles with Grandmama.
  • dealt with the aftermath of falling; my scabs have heeled, but I am still dealing with extreme pain. I’m definitely taking the refillable ice pack with me on my trip to ATX.
  • impatiently awaited April to arrive because AUSTIN, but also didn’t because the year is going by so slowly. Of all the places I have lived, Austin is the city a lot of people accepted me despite my weirdness; actually, outwardly expressing my weirdness was what made me friends when I lived there.
  • attended to my aloe vera. I currently have 13 pups in one pot. 🙁 Can you guess what people will likely be receiving for Christmas from me this year? I’m going to try to create some kind of “Aloe Vera First Aid Kit” of sorts—”How to Keep Your Aloe Vera Alive”—in simplified format. A lot of people buy succulents, especially aloe vera, because they make nice photo props and/or it’s a medicinal plant, only to throw it away when it starts wilting. I figure a list of instructions might help. “If I start turning pink/red…”
  • started working on bringing Zest back.
  • ate a lot of Nerds candy, so now I’m basically craving a nutritional boost. Cantaloupes don’t count in this craving, because hello, it’s cantaloupe. Eating cantaloupe never needs a reason.
  • made “paint” out of school glue and and old highlighters.
  • made and published an official 6birds’ glossary. Since I’m not using the acronyms plugin anymore, it might be useful for someone. I’m still working on it, but the gist is there.

Next month, I will…

  • be trying to finish the two books I started. One is about gardening; ’tis thus far my favorite!
  • either find an alternative to User Access Manager[1. I’m having issues with it editing .htaccess to prevent people (included me) from viewing photos I upload…by default.] or deleting the plugin altogether and moving the posts to “Private”. I might wind up going with the latter, simply because I’m beginning to see having private posts as a little redundant. I haven’t yet decided. I don’t know. I could probably also revert to a private Livejournal or a tumblog with a required password.
  • fixing my recipe posts. I’m so fed up with the plugins. I use Yumprint, but it doesn’t allow for everything I want. Easy Recipe seems like an awesome idea, but if I just go the manually-coded route, I can have all the features I could dream up without having to rely on them for updates, stuff being stored into the database, and/or paying for a license to keep receiving updates on premium features…which I could just code myself if I went the DIY route. I’ll give more details on this later, but the gist: isn’t redirecting here yet, because Yumprint’s stuff didn’t transfer over when I imported my posts. ?
  • trying to fix my archive page. I had everything right, but the page template also shows up on category and tag archive pages, so…I’m back to square one, I guess. ?

I wound up going over 500 words (I’m at over 800), but this is obviously the new norm for me. The ceiling can’t hold me. :p

I got into this new medical series called Heartbeat as of yesterday; it’s like House, M.D. and Grey’s Anatomy on steroids. Each episode focuses on one specific case and all the uniqueness of it, but the personal life of Alex Pantierre feels a lot like that of Meredith Grey’s.

‘Sup with you in March and/or April?

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Comments on this post

Without visiting that link I am going to guess that it links to that song I have heard but have no idea what it is called. The lyrics are ‘the ceiling can’t hold us’. 😛

I actually really like reading your monthly summaries, this one was pretty cool. It sounds like you’ve worked on quite a lot, and taken care of a lot of errands. 🙂

You need category.php and tag.php if you want a separate template for those views. 😉

Haha, it’s called “Can’t Hold Us”; I linked to Pentatonix’s cover, because I love them. ♥

Thank you. 🙂 I think I like this way better, because I do best in list form…not header-list form.

Ah! If I want them to continue displaying like they are already, can I just copy what’s on index.php? o.O

Hope you have a good April! /cookie ^^;

Dealing with a lot of things and schooling things like remembering important things in different kingdoms in biology. Hopefully April is better because I’ve been hypomanic for most of March and it has sucked. I’m also still searching for a good book to read, any genre except romance. Not a fan of that, but I like mostly everything.