10 Before 30 (abandoned)

I actually fail at these things, but perhaps 10 Before 30 will be easier than 25 Before 25, yes? (Yes.)

  1. Take a dance class.
    I decided I want to major in dance already, but until I actually can[1. I’m on something called ‘financial aid probation’ for various reasons.], wouldn’t it be fun to take a dance class?
  2. Take a yoga class.
    It seems relaxing.
  3. Be OK with my weight.
    I fluctuate between 129 and 140. It’s neither a good weight nor a bad weight, and no matter where I’m at, it’s always changing. I can lose weight quickly, so it’s easy for me to go underweight for several weeks. I think I’ll eventually need to see a dietitian who can work with me on this, because I move a lot[2. Tourette Syndrome tics, dancing, and stimming], and adding regular exercise into that mix makes me lose a lot (it’s like having a high metabolism and working out).
  4. Travel
    There’s not a set place I’d like to travel to for this, as any will work, but ever since I read in Seventeen about going on a road trip with friends, I’ve wanted to go on one. I still want to do this, and I’d like to go with people I can stand to be around longer than forty-eight hours, because it would suck if anything happened, right?
  5. Be financially independent.
    I have a plan, and every time I do, it always fails because my life sucks, and shit happens.
  6. Red hair
    I just want it to be redder. Or hey, maybe some weird-ish blue highlights? That’d be cool. :p
  7. Driving confidence
    Because PTSD fucked that all up.
  8. Read a book
    How can I call myself a writer if I don’t even read? It supposedly makes you a better writer, too, which means I should probably get on that.
  9. Write for a collab blog/magazine
    Since I traded magazines for blogs, I suppose writing for a collab blog would/could work. I’ve decided I don’t want to run one as much as I just want to write for one. They’re not easy to find. 😡
  10. Go back to college
    There is actually a lot of mental that goes into this, i.e. PTSD and depression, anxiety, and stress.

Why is this 10 Before 30 and not 30 Before 30?

Because I fail at publicly listing things like these, and also because 30 is a lot for me. I mean, I’ll be surprised if I reach even one of these.~

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Comments on this post

[…] made many “X Before X” lists. To my surprise, I made a “10 Before 30” list already—glad I can still surprise myself at this point. Here I was, thinking about how original and […]

Best of luck! Even if it’s just 10 and not 30, those 10 are pretty big deal. I mean, college and financial independence? Definitely! What I like about publicizing a list like this is that it forces ourselves to be more accountable to our goals. Now that it’s out and people take note of it, you’ll be more likely to strive for it because folks will be rooting for you. 😉

Ah, they’re not really ‘goals’, per se. I actually avoid making and sharing goals because reasons as previously explained. 😉

You can do it, Liz 😀

Why do you have PTSD about college and driving? (sorry if I am prying!)

PTSD isn’t about college and driving — I don’t think it’s about anything? It affects college and driving, i.e. decision-making, retaining information, flashbacks, memories, etc. A LOT of my memory is missing from many years of my life because of PTSD. It’s trauma to the brain, and it rips and tears out all of these important things I’ll need later.

I’ve written about why I can’t drive. :p

You have to make the list what is most comfortable for you, even if it was one before thirty, it’s your list and your rules. 😀

I wish you the best in getting these items done, or even to be on the way towards achieving them.

I think at one point we’ve all traded to read blogs over magazines. I know I did. I made the transformation in mid to late 1998. However, I was slowly coming off of reading those teen-bop magazines and cosmopolitans.

I think I may have missed my opportunity to do these 10 before 30 posts. Ah well, what can ya do?