Domain sabbatical: no more new domains

By the time I am finished decreasing my project load, I will own only ten domains.

I currently own about twenty.

I’m adopting out, considering finding a bigger abuse awareness organization to team up with for my Abuse Aloud project, and going to use a .nu domain for my random projects.

I’ve spent 2015 brainstorming what exactly I want to achieve and do with Abuse Aloud, and I realised the current website is not it. The buttons are great; many people use them, as I see them on all these random websites. Like, that is so amazing and makes my heart flutter, and I can’t stop myself from reaching out to those people and thanking them for linking to AA. Now, though, videos are on the rise. I would really like to aim for video and photograph campaigns that create a more chilling effect. I want subtle, yet haunting, stories choreographed into mixed media.

Talking about abuse makes people feel uncomfortable, which, quite sadly, contaminates abuse victims’ minds into keeping quiet, because they’re shamed and shut up. The ultimate goal with AA has always been to get people talking about abuse. Right now, it’s just a static site. Those who are being abused can’t visit it out of fear their browsing history is being checked/monitored. I want to find a way to help those people without it being too triggering for me.

Even though lard has threatened me via one of my expired domains before, I’m going to let some expire within the next few years. I’m done fighting to keep my name protected just because my abuser still wants to control me.

I don’t really need multiple name domains.

The gist of my domain name clear out (sans a few domains):

  2. (?)
  5. → will soon redirect to a currently private domain name until all emails to domains stop, then all but may be let go.
  6. → URL shortener with; redirects to
  7. (adopted out to Jenna)
  8. & projects → .nu; will be adopted out circa 2017.
  9. → will soon redirect to new, totally unique blog name not matching someone’s business name[1. Oops!] for a year or two before being let go
  10. → NEED to export users for Kya, then will forward to Blog Matter
  11. (it was a 2-for-1 domain deal :l)

Unseen is the one I purchased that Jenna, Charlise and Charlise’s boyfriend thought was for a porn site. .-. I didn’t want to risk someone taking the  domain name and turning it into porn, as such has happened in the past, and I registered a domain sounding like porn in the process. #fail

If you want any of the crossed out domains, or know someone who may want one, let me know, and I’ll attach your/their name next to it and contact you/them when I’m ready to release it into the wild!

I’m going on a semi-domain name-purchasing sabbatical. Rules:

  • No buying domains just because they’re 98 cents or $1.
  • “Because I want to own it” is not a valid excuse.
  • Must be able to list 3 valid reasons registering the domain will be beneficial/worth it/necessary.
  • For every new hobby domain registered, the cost must be added to savings. In other words, double the amount of money is “lost”. Money added to savings from registering new hobby domains at the end of the year will be donated to FARE.
  • If I “must” register it because I “have to have it”, put cost in savings and donate to FARE at the end of the year.

I will probably add more as I find myself itching to buy another domain name, but it’s clear I have a problem. Domains are so easy to register; renewing them is where it starts to hurt. The rules are harsh, but I need to ground myself. I need to stop my addiction. At least donating it will result in more food allergy research and education[2. Do ya see what I did there? ;)]. I already broke up with hosting.

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