The Dallas Gluten-Free & Allergen-Friendly Expo is approaching! This’ll be my fifth year to attend (and as a blogger), and I feel like every year gets slower and slower because I wait for it that much more.

My favorite part of the Expo is the nut-free section, because I don’t have to worry that something has an ingredient it shouldn’t and is being passed off as that regardless. I get this in stores, with the nutrition labels saying “nut-free” and then having coconut or macadamia, so being able to trust that an entire section is nut-free is as relieving as feeling so much better after a cold.

Food-wise, I’m always surprised by the flavors because HOW do they taste so good? Before I ever went to the GFAF Expo, I was on my own. There was this bread that everyone involved in the incident knows not to talk about with me. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I was desperate for some bread that didn’t make me sick after eating it, so when Charlise found nut-free, yeast-free, mold-free, dairy-free, egg-free—all the free-froms you could possibly imagine—bread, I was excited. I took my SunButter and applied it to the room temperature bread as soon as I got it. Then I took a knife to its middle. Nothing. Um…? So I tried tearing it, but it was like a hard, crunchy cookie. I tried biting it, but I couldn’t, and when I accidentally dropped it on the floor and it didn’t even crumb, I gave up.
The GFAF Expo has actually tasty food. Last year, they had Schar, and the bread was my favorite—right next to these graham crackers that had chocolate on one side, which I never knew existed or I needed.
Brazi Bites one of my favorites ever and versatile. It has yeast, but it’s not full of preservatives and still pretty amazing. There are other Brazilian cheese bread brands that come to the expo, too—and I need ALL THE CHEESE.
A new edition to the GFAF Expo I’m concerned about is 88 Acres. 🤔 I mean, you guys remember how I freaked out over meeting SunButter representatives? (If I could go back in time and wear anything else than that shirt, I would, but alas I cannot.) 88 Acres is the pumpkin seed butter version to that. They do gourmet seed butters, founded by a guy who is allergic to nuts. And I’m not sure if this counts as an affair…😳🤫 On the other hand, I am a blogger for the GFAF Expo, so…🧐🤔😏
(But for real, their story’s the cutest—go read it.)
This year, the GFAF Expo has a lot of exhibitors and sponsors I’ve never heard of. I’m especially interested in BFree, because I was under the impression that they were not nut-free, but I looked over some of their products, and they definitely are. 🤨 Seems I confused them with that powdered peanut butter brand. Sweet potato wraps, here I come! 🤩
The 2018 Dallas GFAF Expo is October 27th-28th, from 10am to 3pm on both days, at Dallas Market Hall (North Hall). More deets are on the site.
To secure tickets at a discount, here are some coupons:
- 30 percent off:
, through Sept. 26 - 20 percent off:
, through Oct. 26
If you are attending, please let me know so we can take pics together or something!
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