Liz Lately #37

I love Dove Cameron, but when I saw China Anne McClain plays the rival villain in Descendants 2 this summer, I SQUEALED and whisper-screamed. 🍎

A little note about “Jane” real quick

A lot of people were asking me why I used “Liz” when my blog is JANEpedia, and after reading a bit more about pseudonyms and the other legalities, I learned two things:

  1. Texas decreased the cost by about $200 to file a name change in September 2017. It will still be a while, as I am still wanting to hire a lawyer to go about petitioning the court properly (and also because I’m autistic and courts are a PTSD/DID trigger, and I’m unaware of those protocols…and I’m autistic), both of which also costs a pretty penny.
  2. I’m not collecting payments as my pseudonym (what Jane currently is), so it’s fine.

I changed it because it makes me much happier and feel less like I’m lying on my blog. I feel like I’m one step closer to being my true self. πŸ’–

As far as “Liz Lately” goes, I’m undecided about it?? SO I may change it on the next time for consistency because consistency is dreamy-beautiful. πŸ˜… I already have a name for the series, and it’s not alliteration.

I’m in a convalescent period from a nasty cold. 🀧

It’s down to allergy symptoms now, for the most part. Being sick is the worst, because while I “seem” sick year-round due to allergies (i.e. I cough at least once daily due to my numerous allergies), I have sickness symptoms atop allergy symptoms, and I feel as if I’ll never feel relief again throughout that time. πŸ˜… It sounds dramatic, and perhaps it is, but it’s also scary because there were a few times when I had to ask myself, “Wait, is my throat swollen because of my cold, or am I suffering from anaphylaxis due to cross-contamination even though I have been REALLY CAREFUL??!!”

Still trying to catch up with books

I miscalculated and requested more than I could handle by mistake. πŸ˜… I’m down to two by now that don’t have hard deadlines or anything, I just personally prefer to keep yup with them since I’m not only a book blogger and will soon hit my “eh reading” period again wherein I don’t even wanna look at books for two or three weeks. On the other hand, I have a lot of lesbian and gay eBooks I’d love to spend more time on, simply because I feel so bored from all the heteromance stories I’ve been reading lately…I suppose I just need a chill break? Idunno.

It feels never-ending. πŸ™„

Blog-related tidbits

I have an end-of-the-year survey. I’ll send out a virtual hug to you if you complete it. πŸ˜‰πŸ€—

You can also #AskMeAnything because I’m bored a lot and find these fun. 😳

I…was going to say other things, but I…my brain just farted. πŸ’¨πŸ˜³

December will be my last “Day in the Life” linkup post. If you’re interested in taking it over, do let me know! Otherwise, it’ll die out until someone else starts it up again. πŸ˜… I have prompts and the “template” for each month set up already, but like Georgie, I’m not having as much fun with it anymore. I can totally see myself posting ADITL post unattached to the linkup beyond this year, sporadically, because it’s a great post idea for when I may have nothing else to post or feel like mixing up how I share something I did during a particular day, but I haven’t the interest in running it anymore. It started to feel like a chore, and I have had a difficult time working it into my imaginary editorial calendar of things I want to blog about and when.

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[…] a lawyer to help me do it right. The whole process in and of itself is a complex mess, but I am still on the road to it. I have dissociative identity disorder, but not one part of me as a person identifies with […]