👋 Welcome to my digital garden. I'm Jane, a 30-something cat mom navigating autistic burnout. I write about my life + neurodiversity. I'm moving to the Midwest in 2025. ✨
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Post thumbnail for Pillow princesses & stone tops

Pillow princesses & stone tops

21 July 2024
Post thumbnail for Big Brother 26: Episode 2

Big Brother 26: Episode 2

21 July 2024
Post thumbnail for Big Brother 26: Episode 1

Big Brother 26: Episode 1

13 July 2024
Post thumbnail for 4 reasons I’m looking forward to moving out of Texas

4 reasons I’m looking forward to moving out of Texas

8 July 2024
Post thumbnail for Old school blogging never died

Old school blogging never died

11 June 2024
Post thumbnail for Ultimate guide to bundle collaborations

Ultimate guide to bundle collaborations

10 June 2024
Post thumbnail for 4 keys of blogging for business 🔑

4 keys of blogging for business 🔑

10 May 2024
Post thumbnail for Boat analogy for autism and autistic burnout

Boat analogy for autism and autistic burnout

3 May 2024
Post thumbnail for Lively Lately #72

Lively Lately #72