December blog post ideas

What do people search for in December beyond stocking stuffers or gift-wrapping tips? The final two months of the year always feel way hectic, especially with so many people around me stressing out.

Like, my autistic self can’t with all that. 🫠

The past few years, I’ve not been posting as much as I’d like. Since I started freelance writing, I feel like a burnt out imposter as soon as I begin writing a new blog post.

As I’m a nicheless/lifestyle-esque blogger, so too are these blog post ideas. I thoroughly recommend approaching the ideas with a creative, open mind. I’ve restructured parenting blog ideas into autistic ones, for example.

31 December blog post ideas atop two red Christmas ornaments in the background

Tips for writing, posting & promoting December posts

You know how magazines work a month or three ahead? So do a lot of bloggers.

I used to just tap out right here, because I felt like I was always reading posts like this wayyy too late. Thinking there is a perfect time or way to do something is a cognitive bias, often the result of societal conditioning.

What you post tomorrow might not show up in search until a couple months from now, but it will help your “right now” audience. Published is better than perfect.

I wanted to post my monthly blog post ideas in order from January to December, yet here I am starting with December. When you publish a blog post doesn’t matter quite as much as how you promote it, if you’re not relying on SEO 100% (and you shouldn’t be).

Your seasonal posts now will be picked up by search engines by the time they’re relevant next year. 💖

December observances for blog post inspo

Using unique holidays and observances in your blog strategy helps your SEO by showing up when people search for those similar things.

Back when Twitter was a cozy place to hang around, these observances and wacky holidays showed up in the hashtag trends. So many people were talking about them! Imagine how many people find out about nacho day on nacho day and decide to have nachos for dinner.

When I’m struggling to find something to blog about, I look at upcoming holidays and observances to determine how I can work those themes into my most frequent blog topics.

Month-long observances

Being neurospicy AF, I think month-long observances are the easiest to promote on an ongoing basis, because they’re not stuck to any one day.

Learn a Foreign Language Month

Learning another language helps you communicate with more people outside your comfort bubble. Learning another language also increases creativity, concentration, empathy and even memory!

I used to think blogging about learning a new language would be boring or cookie-cutter. Like, how does one even do that? Then I found Lindsay. She does languages.

Turns out, there are many posts to be written about learning languages — common phrases, journal ideas, phrases or language jokes that don’t translate into your native language well, etc.

Write a Friend Month

December is often considered the month before a fresh beginning (the beginning of the year). End-of-year holidays have a way of inspiring people to to reach out to those they’ve lost touch with and want to be better friends.

Thus, December’s a great month for highlighting your stationary posts — or writing them.

Some ideas:

  • a roundup of your DIY cards/envelopes
  • # types of letters to send to friends and family
  • list of gift card exchanges people can participate in
  • how to find pen pals
  • # reasons snail mail isn’t dead
  • list of your fave stationary/letter-writing accessories

Safe Toys & Gifts Month

If you already publish gift guides, you’re probably sooo over writing them. However, another way to take advantage of this observance is to share common toys and gifts that are unsafe.

For example, I’m writing a post about popular cat toys that are unsafe for cats and why. I could create graphics and videos to share on social media as well. Many baby gifts aren’t actually safe for babies, either.

Another angle I could take is sharing about gifts that are harmful for cats, or pets in general, since people who don’t have cats or pets tend not to think of that.

Stress-Free Family Holidays Month

The holidays have always stressed me out sooo much. Learning that the holidays DON’T have to be stressful completely rocked my world.

Posts about boundaries, self-care, holiday meals with an eating disorder, positive affirmations, managing mental illness and even tips for surviving being around abusive family members (because not everyone has the ability to leave) are perfect for this.

December holidays

There are sooo many holidays in December that can be used for almost any blogger. You just need to think creatively.

If you blog about TV, movies or books, create themed lists on a few selected holidays. US states have their own days; create list about books or films set in those states. An entertainment blogger could create a list of film sets in that particular state.

Travel and lifestyle bloggers can create mini travel guides, or local travel guides, if they’ve been there — or open their blog up to a guest blogger to write the mini guide.

TV bloggers could create a list of screenshot scenes surrounding food days (pumpkin pie, fruitcake, chocolate-covered anything, etc.)

List of blog post ideas for December

31 December blog post ideas atop a background ft. eggnog and a candy cane

  1. What’s on your Christmas wishlist
  2. Holiday events and activities in your city/town
  3. Share your favorite holiday traditions or how to create one’s own holiday traditions
  4. Roundup of your best blog posts throughout the year
  5. Your favorite Christmas movies
  6. Your favorite Christmas books
  7. DIY holiday decorations
  8. Ways to make extra money for gifts
  9. How to feel festive this season
  10. Your holiday outfit/makeup looks
  11. How to celebrate the holidays on a budget
  12. How to decorate for the holidays on a budget
  13. Festive photo ideas (poses, props, etc.)
  14. Easy handmade gifts you can make with everyday items
  15. Your holiday skincare routine
  16. Managing eating disorder recovery during the holidays
  17. Celebrating the holidays while estranged from family/missing loved ones/etc.
  18. Host a virtual holiday party in a blog post. Share a playlist, recipes, movies, books, etc.
  19. Create and share an advent calendar. This can be in a single post or delivered via several posts. You could take this a step further by encouraging people to subscribe to your newsletter for daily updates and even offer to deliver everything at once for $4-9. (This is called “selling your freebie”.)
  20. Share a list of positive affirmations for people who have to see unhealthy family members during the holidays
  21. How do you manage your mental health during this time?
  22. How to take time off during the holidays
  23. Easy & quick recipes using holiday leftovers
  24. How to celebrate the holidays with your pets
  25. Tips for celebrating the holidays alone
  26. Habits you’re keen to break next year
  27. Best books you read this year
  28. Reasons you love/hate December
  29. How your blog has grown over the year
  30. Things to do with gifts you don’t want/know you won’t use
  31. Year-end review

I hope you enjoyed this list and found it helpful.~

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