I cleaned up my room. 💪
It took a lot of work, okay. The exterminator sprayed in May, and while there are random spiders and earwigs lurking about, the ants don’t last long. Dead ants lined the inside of my curtains, my windowsill, and the place where the carpet meets the wall and a six-inch distance into the floor. I vacuumed it all up.
It was gross.
The exterminator came again some weeks ago, in August, and gave us a special treatment for them. I still like the empty space along this fourth of my room and aim to keep it this way.
One year after my laptop broke…
I got a new laptop. 😏
Er, I should say it’s a model from last year, but…it’s new to me, and it’s definitely better than not having my own. I can finally get back to fiction writing properly. Writing with my hands and typing on my phone has been bad for my carpal tunnel. 😭
I’m also ~in the zone~ and ready to hop back into all the fun of blogging. 😀 I’m introducing a new category soon and compiling gift guides. I wanted to do the latter last year, but it was hard because I didn’t have much of a way to do them.
I experienced an unknown issue with it already, so I’m hoping resetting it was the last major thing I’d have to do. It’d suck if this had too many issues to function. :/ From what I’ve read, the major issues lie in Windows 10, which is apparently “flawed out of the box” and the “worst Windows OS to date”, according to tech review/expert blogs—but I couldn’t find any Windows 7 version available, or at least an 8.
Project Exportia
(I pronounce her “ex-por-shuh”.)
Last year, I intended to bring over old posts from my post archive, so I could delete the database/directory/etc. of posts I’d rather not have. Posts I wanted to keep would be moved to Google Drive or something. Then my laptop broke, and there went that project.
I’m currently in this process, though, and named it “Exportia” because I figured I might as well have some fun with it. 😉 I’ll post more about her once I finish, but—move over, ex-guardians: I’m taking a step up on the stairs to Taking Back My Life—coming soon to a screen near you.
Links lately
Street photography has its laws, too (especially in Texas). 😲
Dressing for your body type is so overrated; wear what you want. 🙄
I’ll be detoxing my wardrobe soon so I can replace items with better clothes. 😊 I need to expand my fashion comfort zone. 😤
I looked up locations to take photos in Dallas and found a list. 😎 YAS. The Japanese Botanical Gardens are my favorite out of everything; I want to go there now. (They do have a photography policy; commercial photography requires a $75 fee.)
The Splines Theory as a spoons metaphor for autism fills in a bunch of gaps I had of understanding myself.❤️
Until next time. 😘
P.S. It’s that time of year again when I invite you all to give me feedback on my site. 🙂 You can also just #AskMeAnything, if you don’t want to do the survey (or if you have more questions and/or want to include your name). 💖
I will upload a better photo of my lappy later; it’s been a busy week, and I’ve plans later today!
Comments on this post
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That’s a really pretty laptop. Congrats! It is pretty rough typing on your phone, at times. I couldn’t imagine typing up an entire blog on it.
I love the Japanese gardens put the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden and they have Autumn event coming up on the 23-24 of this month and it has lots and lots of pumpkins. I want to go but I’m not sure if I can with the dogs at my house (as I am dog sitting for some undetermined time until my neighbor gets her power fixed. Long story on that.) but it would be a cool event to go to.
Yay for the new laptop!
I’m just curious, did you get audio beats laptop? Also, the issues you speak of, are you getting the dos window showing up and a .exe program for a few seconds? Please don’t hate me for commenting but I have to know if you’re experiencing the same thing my boyfriend Tristan and I are experiencing and it most definitely lies within the new windows 10 update.
I didn’t get a lappy with Beats Audio. It came with Windows 10 pre-installed, and to avoid redundant, constant “hidden” updates, it’s not allowed to update anything ever at all without my knowledge. It’s an HP; if he has an HP device, they have a support system in place that has proven helpful to tweaking my laptop to my liking so I can make the most of my limited space.
I didn’t pay for the bulk of it, and I needn’t a basic-ass computer, so it doesn’t have anything super fancy. I’m not knowledgeable enough about computers, so Google is always my best friend in this department. Having an HP laptop, I’ve noticed the Google results regarding computer help primarily show content relevant to HP, so that’s where you should look.
Yey new computer! I use a mac so I didn’t have to deal with the bad windows updates—but I heard about it from my bosses at my work. They hated it.
Loved the article about the various rights about taking photos in public. Very interesting.
Aahh, I feel you on the random spiders and dead ants everywhere. We have that problem in our house, and I keep vacuuming them up. The areas near the window are always the worst for us. I should look into hiring an exterminator.
That’s great that you got a new laptop! I hope you figure out the issue you’re having. I’m on Windows 10, and I actually like it, despite what others have been saying. It wasn’t as painful to upgrade to as I originally thought.
The Japanese Botanical Garden in Dallas is quite popular for photos! I see a lot of cosplayers using that as a location, and I’d love to take photos there at some point. Every time I go to Dallas for a convention, I don’t have time to go there though. That’s nice that you found a list of locations!