I believe God made writers so others could put into words what we can’t ourselves, and Lincee Ray is one of those people for me.
I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Fleming H. Revell Company on 6 February, 2018
Genre: Comedy, Memoir, Non-fiction, Religious
# pages: 208
Source: Publisher
Rating: ★★★★★
If there is one thing Lincee Ray has learned over the years, it’s that the majority of women on the planet struggle with insecurities. Our skinny jeans mock us. Our just-trying-to-help mothers are just driving us crazy. Our social media feeds taunt us with everyone else’s picture-perfect lives. It’s enough to send you on a gummy-bear bender while binge-watching Friends reruns and not showering for a week. Lincee knows. She’s been there. Right there, in fact. Gummy bears and all.
For every woman who’s ever wondered if she’s unlovable, uninteresting, or unattractive, Lincee offers her particular brand of hilarious (and hard-hitting) self-reflection. Like a true friend, she shows us that the fastest way to happiness is to embrace ourselves in all our imperfection, trust that God knew what he was doing when he made us, and maybe go buy a new tube of mascara.
I don’t quite know how to review this book. My usual method doesn’t work.
Was it well-written? Indeed.
Did I relate? Yes.
Did I feel like I was engaged in a conversation with a friend? Yes. Truth be told, it helped boost my confidence to actually be myself instead of forever shielding parts of it away. It all comes out eventually, so why not be the prime source for juicy gossip regarding Jane Lawson?
Is it full of pop culture references that tickle my fancy more than that of a Degrassi reference in a third-party show? Definitely.
Am I surprised I actually liked a nonfiction Christian genre book? Absolutely.
Do I like green beans? Sure—let me just drizzle olive oil and salt over them, and bake them in the oven for 40 minutes first. Mmm, roasted green beans.
I regret to inform you, dear reader, that green beans are not in season at the moment, so I did not get to enjoy any whilst reading this book—and I am not about to open a can of them instead. After having ’em fresh, I don’t want to go back. It’s not just the taste of fresh veggies—the color is bright and vibrant and wow-worthy.
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Slice of March 2018 | Janepedia
[…] read (3): Why I Hate Green Beans, Long Black Veil, A Song […]
I can’t thank you enough for this review! Even if you do like green beans!!!! You’re my favorite.
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